
来源 :考试周刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhiyuanxu
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我国自1995年开始实施执业药师制度,经过数十年的发展,目前我国的执业药师虽然无论是在规模上还是作用上都已经得到了极大的提高,但是相比发达国家,仍然有较大差距。为从工作环境、执业水平、社会认知、薪酬水平、职业发展等多个方面了解江苏省苏州市及周边地区执业药师的执业现状,本课题组设计了一份调查问卷,通过实地走访、电话访问和网络调查等多种方式,随机调查了500名左右的本地区社会药房在岗执业药师。调查结果显示,目前本地区绝大部分执业药师学历及执业素质均能满足药学服务的要求,但是在薪酬待遇、制度保障和社会认可度方面仍然有所欠缺,这三方面因素共同制约了本地区社会药房执业药师药学服务工作的开展。 Since 1995, our country has practiced the system of practicing pharmacists. After decades of development, the current licensed pharmacists in our country have greatly increased both in scale and function. However, compared with the developed countries, there is still a large gap. In order to understand the practicing status of practicing pharmacists in Suzhou and surrounding areas in Jiangsu Province from various aspects such as working environment, practicing level, social cognition, salary level and career development, the research team designed a questionnaire to interview, telephone Interviews and web-based surveys. A total of 500 or so local social pharmacies were recruited in-service practicing pharmacists. Survey results show that at present, most of the licensed pharmacists in the region have the qualifications and professional qualifications to meet the requirements of pharmacy services, but there are still some shortcomings in terms of remuneration, system support and social recognition. These three factors jointly constrain the region Social pharmacy practice pharmacist pharmacy service work carried out.