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数学教学经常会遇到概念课,我认为抓住以下几个关键点就可以帮助学生更好地理解概念。现在以《分数的意义》这节概念课为基础进行阐述。一、理解概念——教师自己要先弄清楚这个概念,理解这个概念的关键点在哪里例如:分数的意义,把单位“1”平均分成若干份,表示这样的一份或几份的数。关键点在单位“1”的理解,而单位“1”理解的关键是一个整体,而一个整体的关键是 Mathematical teaching often encounter concept classes, I think to seize the following key points can help students to better understand the concept. It is now based on the concept lesson of “The Meaning of Points.” First, the concept of understanding - teachers must first figure out this concept, to understand the concept of the key point where, for example: the meaning of the score, the unit “1 ” evenly divided into several, indicating that such a copy or a few number. The key point in the unit “1 ” understanding, and the unit “1 ” the key to understanding is a whole, and a whole key is
[摘 要] 基于创新视野下,职业学校应第一时间构建完善健全的分层分级学生活动制度,积极倡导“以人为本”的观念,针对不同学生的要求及自身特点,鼓励学生对自己有正确的认知,科学安排活动的形式。只有这样,学生才能更轻易地喜欢活动、接纳活动、努力参加到活动中,从而最大限度地达到培养高素质人才的目的,尽可能发挥学生活动的价值。  [关 键 词] 活动制度;分层分级;建设;创新视野  [中图分类号] G718