青花瓷器在我国陶瓷史上占有重要地位。青花瓷器为釉下彩 ,着色力强 ,呈色稳定 ;青花釉色为白地蓝花 ,显得明净、素雅 ,符合我国人民的审美习惯 ;青花瓷器原料丰富 ,制作工艺简单 ,易于推广。由于有上述优点 ,青花瓷器自问世以来就深受国内外人民的喜爱 ,一直延用至今。明代烧?
Blue and white porcelain occupy an important position in the history of China’s ceramics. Blue and white porcelain for underglaze, strong tinting strength, color stability; blue and white glaze blue and white, look clear, elegant, in line with the aesthetic habits of our people; rich blue and white porcelain raw materials, production process is simple and easy to promote. Because of these advantages, blue and white porcelain since its inception has been loved by people at home and abroad, has been extended until now. Ming burning?