1994年12月下旬,晋城市档案局、晋城市统计局、晋城市辖区内各县区档案局联合组织考评组,对晋城市六个县区统计局档案管理工作进行了考评验收。结果,各县区统计局均取得了好成绩,达到了省级先进标准。 考评组按照《晋城市机关档案管理升级(定级)试行办法》,对全市统计系统档案管理工作进行了认真考评,听取了各县区统计局领导的汇报,还深入库、室对各门类档案进行了考查评议,对全市统计系统档案管理工作表示满意,并颁发了《山西省机关档案管理达标准证书》。
In late December 1994, the Jincheng Archives Bureau, Jincheng Bureau of Statistics, and Jincheng District Archives Bureau jointly organized the evaluation team to examine and verify the file management work of the statistical bureau of six counties in Jincheng City. As a result, all county statistical offices have achieved good results and reached provincial-level advanced standards. Evaluation team in accordance with the “Jincheng city agencies file management upgrade (grading) trial approach”, the city’s statistical system file management carefully evaluated, listened to the county statistical bureau leadership reports, but also in-depth library, room of various types of files Conducted examination and appraisal, expressed satisfaction with the city’s statistical system file management, and presented the “Shanxi Province archives management standards certificate.”