宋涛,中国当代马克思主义经济学家。1914年12月出生于安徽省利辛县,曾就读于安庆市圣保罗中学。 1937年,日本帝国主义全面侵略中国,中华民族处于沦亡的危急时刻,宋涛毅然投笔从戎,投身引中国共产党领导的救亡运动的伟大事业中。他参加了安徽省学生抗日战地服务队,任副队长,率领广大知识青年深入农村和敌后,全力进行抗日宣传工作。在这个时期,为了寻求抗日和革命的思想指导,他接触并阅读了大量革命书籍,从而奠定了他的马列主义理论基础和革命的世界观。
Song Tao, a contemporary Marxist economist in China. Born in Lixin County, Anhui Province in December 1914, he studied at St. Paul High School in Anqing. In 1937, when Japanese imperialism fully invaded China and the Chinese nation was in a critical moment of peril, Song Tao decided to devote himself to the great cause of saving the nation led by the Chinese Communist Party. He participated in Anhui Province Anti-Japanese War Service team, deputy leader, led a large number of young people in knowledge and knowledge of the countryside and the enemy behind, to carry out anti-Japanese propaganda efforts. During this period, in order to seek the ideological guidance of resistance against Japan and revolution, he contacted and read a large number of revolutionary books, thus laying the foundation for his Marxism-Leninism theory and revolutionary world outlook.