12月26日 星期四 晴 阳光真好,亮亮的,暖暖的。洒在操场,操场亮亮的,暖暖的。从窗口涌进宿舍,宿舍亮亮的,暖暖的。 “出门看队伍,进门看内务,内务看被子。”新兵集训的第一天,班长在队伍前站成笔直的惊叹号,温和的脸面和话语同样透出严肃。 被子的功能不就是用来睡觉的嘛,还能有什么看头? 班长继续说着,语调也像阳光那般亮亮的,暖暖的:“被子是军人的生活用品,但它又是一种内务陈设,尤其是被子的折叠质量反映了军人严格的组织性纪律性。”
Thursday, December 26 Sunny sunny, bright, warm. Sprinkle in the playground, bright playground, warm. Into the dormitory from the window, dormitory bright, warm. “Go out to see the team, the door to see the house, the house to see the quilt.” Recruiting the first day of training, squad leader in the team stood straight exclamation point, gentle face and discourse also revealed serious. The function of the quilt is not used to sleep Well, what can be worth? Squad leader continued, intonation is as bright as the sun, warm: “The quilt is a military supplies, but it is a The kinds of interior furnishings, especially the quality of the folded quilt, reflect the strict organizational discipline of the military. ”