采用NCⅡ(NORTHCAROLINA)交配设计,对42个品种间杂交杂种一代组合和13个亲本品种进行比较试验,研究品种间杂交杂种一代优势及其与亲本的关系.结果表明:红麻品种间杂交杂种优势明显,大多数性状杂种优势达极显著水平,其中以杂种一代单株纤维产量优势最明显.影响杂种一代单株纤维产出能力的性状从大到小依次是单株鲜茎(含叶,下同)重,基部茎粗,基部皮厚,株高.同一性状两亲本对不同性状的影响有差异,F1单株纤维产量与小值亲本P2呈极显著正相关,而与大值亲本P1呈显著正相关,与两亲本之差呈不显著负相关,获得较理想杂种一代组合的亲本标准是:双亲的单株纤维产量及株高均比较优良;必须有一亲本茎粗和皮厚表现突出;双亲之一有较高的干皮精洗率.“,”A kenaf comparative test including 42 F?1 obtained from a 6×7 NCⅡ(North Carolina)diallel cross,and 13 parental varietes,was carried out in the research farm of Institute of Bast Fibre Crops,CAAS,during 1993 to 1994.The heterosis of varietal cross and its relation to parents was investigated.The results indicate that the heterosis of varietal cross F?1 in kenaf is obvious,the dominance for most economic traits of F?1 is highly significant,and ?among? an traits studied,fibre weight per plant takes the first p...