笔者近几年来应用马应龙痔疮膏治疗除痔疮外的多种疾病,取得了较满意的效果,拓展了该膏的应用范围。介绍如下。 1、粉刺:面部以温水洗净,将药膏直接涂于病变部位,每日2~3次,症状严重者可同时口服四环素、甲氰咪胍等药物。 2、慢性前列腺炎:本品与东方活血膏合用,对治疗
In recent years, the author applied Ma Yinglong Hemorrhoids Cream to treat a variety of diseases other than acne, and achieved satisfactory results, expanding the scope of application of the cream. Introduced as follows. 1, acne: wash the face with warm water, the cream directly applied to the lesion site, 2 or 3 times a day, severe symptoms can be oral tetracycline, cimetidine and other drugs. 2, chronic prostatitis: This product is combined with Oriental Huoxue paste, treatment