Teamwork on Language Learning

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  Abstract: Teamwork is an arrangement where parties agree to cooperate to advance their mutual interests. Students should develop their teamwork during the language learning process.
  Key Words: teamwork language learning
   Teamwork is an action performed by a team towards a common goal. A team consists of more than one person, each of whom typically has different responsibilities. Team learning can promote the complementary of knowledge and skill, and the team learning accompany by the formation of innovation. Team learning will be accompanied by the communication and cooperation, empowerment and autonomy, as well as the innovation. Meanwhile, team learning is also an important way to develop the partnership in teamwork. Many scholars have already explained that the team learning played an important role in organizational performance.
   Team learning doesn’t happen automatically. Elements of individual and group characteristics that affect teams learning include empowerment, encouragement, coaching, managerial support, and feedback availability, as well as the local resources like training, the availability of technical consultation, and team rewards. Drawing conclusions from existing research on the factors which affect team learning, one finds that few studies have referred to variables in the national cultural context when we research the theory of organizational learning under the background of cross-cultural, we should take the national cultural as an important variable to affect the process of organizational learning. In practical, the contributions include a better understanding of how to implement team learning in a variety of cultures. Managers must recognize the importance of culture when choosing how to implement team learning. For example, in high power distance cultures members would most likely find the increased authority and responsibility of learning team unsettling and incongruent with their belief in strong leaders and respectful deference to those leaders.
   Perhaps the introduction of team pay, peer evaluations, and consensus decision making structures should be made only after time has been allowed for training and acceptance of these highly interdependent components of learning team. Employee in strong uncertainty avoidance cultures would most likely find a rapid move to highly changing and innovative team learning inconsistent with existing values of stable and conservative. Perhaps the material reward and verbal commendation to create the new ideas could encourage innovation and competition within the team. The external management should give less rules and regulations to the team to create the more relaxed atmosphere and help resolve the conflict. If practitioners take into account the powerful influence of national culture on the acceptance of management initiatives, they will likely be much more prepared to handle the inevitable resistance to change that accompanies almost all change implementations. Practitioners could be readily informed on the potential level of employee culture values and the probable cause of the impaction culture. Such diagnostic tools are conspicuously absent from texts and readings that inform and update managers on cross cultural findings.
   Teamwork plays an important role in all aspects of social life. Nowadays, few people can accomplish their task without the help and cooperation of others. We should train our ability to cooperate with others, establish harmonious partnership, especially in the development of teamwork, the importance of teamwork is more obvious, everyone has his or her strong points and weak points, it can’t be a strong team without teamwork. By cooperation and teamwork, each individual can choose the task for which he is most capable. In this way, the team can become much stronger. Teamwork enables everyone to contribute most to the society; the society develops at a higher speed.
【摘要】 当前基础教育改革要求开展探究性学习,初中语文的探究性学习是一种必然的趋势。中学语文的探究性学习是实施素质教育的重要组成部分,是一次新的革命。本文根据探究性学习的理论,结合中学语文教学的特点和课程改革所提出的要求,结合课堂教学探讨了中学语文教学中探究性学习。  【关键词】 语文 探究性 学习   初中语文探究性学习是以教师为主导,强调学生的个性、积极性以及创造性,从而达到以课堂为中
历史与社会学科课改已进入第多年,笔者有幸伴随课改共同走过。为进一步提高课堂效率,笔者继续进行大胆尝试,也进行冷静反思和整理,期间有挫折和疑惑,同时也带来惊喜与欢乐。  为了提高历史与社会的教学实效,笔者开始初步接触并尝试在课堂教学中运用多元智能理论的改革,一年多来,对于这种课堂教学的尝试也有一些体会,现就此谈初浅看法,渴望得到行家指点与帮助。  一、历史与社会课堂教学中运用多元智能理论的必要性  
【摘要】 改革开放以来,随着信息产业的不断发展,电子信息技术在全社会的各个领域都占有很重要的地位。针对中等职业学校的具体情况,笔者从专业发展前景、专业培养目标和人才培养规格、师资队伍建设、教学内容及课程体系建设等方面探讨了电子信息专业的建设思路。    【关键词】 电子信息专业 发展前景 培养目标 师资队伍建设 教学内容及课程体系建设      一、 专业发展的前景   当今的信息产业(IT)及其
摘要:向课堂要效率是我们教师一直关注并执着追求的目标。我们试图从深入解读教材、优化教学过程、建立和谐的师生关系等三个方面,对提高小学数学课堂教学效率这个问题提出几点自己的思考:解读教材是基础,要注意吃透新课程理念,领会教材意图;优化教学过程是关键,包括优化教学目标、优化教学手段、处理好预设与生成的关系、注重小组合作学习的有效性等;建立和谐的师生关系,则是提高课堂教学效率的保证。  关键词:数学教学
"学起于思,思起于疑"。问题是数学的心脏,问题是思维的起点,是思维的动力。课堂上,创设质疑的情境,就是在教师讲授内容和学生求知心理之间搭建起一座"桥梁",将学生引入一种与问题有关的情境中,使学生对老师提出的具有启发性的问题产生好奇心和求知欲,从而鼓励学生自主质疑去发现问题、探究问题、解决问题,激发学生的学习兴趣和探索欲望,启发学生创新思维。   (一)、生活化问题 提高学生积极参与的热情   培养
【摘要】由于近几年职业学校改革,技校的入学门槛放的很低,现在的学生无论是在基础文化或是各方面的素质都比以前差很多。并且在我们苏北很多技校生都属于父母双双在外打工的留守学生。这些学生管理起来非常困难,所以技校班主任的工作压力非常大。需要所有任课老师共同协作来营造一个和谐、健康、充满活力的班级。  关键词:任课老师 班主任 携手共进     每年新生进校之前,学工处在聘班主任时总是困难重重,
摘要:本文结合自己的班主任工作实际,浅谈了在平时班主任工作中的困惑,从对学生的平时细心观察,就如何建立和谐的师生关系,谈了自己在教学过程中的一些体会和具   一、细心观察、熟悉并掌握学生特点,和学生交朋友   心灵彩桥的建立,要求教师不仅应是知识的传授者,智慧的启迪者,更应如慈爱的父母、知心的朋友……要成为这种多元角色,教师与学生的交流就不应局限于课堂上隔着课桌“问答”式的交流,而是要走进学生
高中数学教学中,解题教学相当重要。因为高中数学解题方法是数学方法论研究的重要组成部分,数学习题则具有教学功能、思想教育功能、发展功能和反馈功能。能否正确理解数学解题课,并结合教学实践、归纳、总结该课型的特点和规律,是优化解题课课堂教学的关键之所在。   一、解题课的教学目的任务   数学习题可使学生加深对基本概念的理解,从而使概念完整化、具体化,牢固掌握所学知识系统,逐步形成完善合理的认知结构
【摘要】 学生是来学习的,除了学到知识,他们还要学很多,我们有什么权利只让他们知道判断而不知道创造?也许学生的错误里就包含着新的我们未知的天空,我们为什么不从学生那里吸收东西,反而要一本正经的拿着我们的红笔像个无情的宣判者一样呢?师生关系的恶化恐怕有很多都是红叉造成的。  【关键词】 红叉 问号 思考 鼓励   当我看见我的儿子的作业本上有很多红色的叉时,我想,为什么不把让人灰心的"叉"改
摘要:彻底改变过去以“一言堂”为主要的教学形式,让学生成为教学的主体。积极创设生动的教学情境,培养学生学习的积极性,使学生产生强烈的求知欲望,从而达到好的教学效果,起到真正的教书育人的目的。  关键词:自主学习 创设情境 展现自我  “学生是语文学习的主人。语文教学应激发学生的学习兴趣,注重培养学生自主学习的意识和习惯,为学生创设良好的自主学习情境,尊重学生的个体差异,鼓励学生选择适合自己的学