编辑同志:我由于忙于工作,无暇顾及谈婚论嫁,成了一名大龄女孩。在父母的一再催促下,我以10 000元的“红包”为报酬,委托媒人李某介绍对象,并明确要求对方必须是初婚,或者离异但未带小孩,五官端正,身体健康等。数日后,李某将其亲侄子介绍给我。通过接触,发现其侄子患有严重的遗传性心脏病,且虽经长期治疗一直未能治愈,我便毫不犹疑地与之断绝交往。而当我要求退回“红包”时,李某却以其已促成我们接触,未能成功只是因为我反悔为由拒绝。请问:李某的理由成立吗?
Editor’s Comrade: Since I was busy with work, I did not have time to think about marriage and marriage and became an older girl. Under repeated urging of my parents, I paid a reward of 10 000 yuan for the “red envelope” and commissioned the matchmaker Lee to introduce the object. She explicitly demanded that the other party must be a first marriage, or divorced but did not bring children with good features and good health. A few days later, Lee introduced me to his nephew. Through her contacts, she found that her nephew had a serious hereditary heart disease and, despite long-term treatment, had failed to heal her, I did not hesitate to cut off her contacts. When I asked to return “red envelope ”, Lee has been to promote our contact with it, failed to succeed because of my regret on the grounds of refusal. Excuse me, is Li’s reason established?