目的:探讨经鼻内镜中隔-蝶窦径路行垂体腺瘤切除术的方法。方法:对23例垂体腺瘤患者采用经鼻内镜中隔-蝶窦径路垂体腺瘤显微切除术。结果:23例垂体腺瘤均完全切除,手术时间短,术中平均出血量为50 ml,术后平均住院日6 d,术后无严重并发症。结论:与经蝶入路显微外科手术和鼻内镜下经蝶垂体腺瘤手术相比,经鼻内镜中隔-蝶窦径路垂体腺瘤切除术实现了经蝶入路显微外科手术和鼻内镜下经蝶垂体腺瘤手术的优势互补,手术创伤小,操作方便,切除彻底。具有良好的鼻内镜操作和显微手术技能,选择适当的适应证,可以达到理想的效果。
Objective: To investigate the method of transnasal endoscopic septum-sphenoid sinus approach for resection of pituitary adenoma. Methods: Twenty-three patients with pituitary adenomas underwent endoscopic transnasal endoscopic-microsurgical resection of pituitary adenomas. Results: Twenty - three cases of pituitary adenomas were completely resected, the operation time was short, the mean intraoperative blood loss was 50 ml and the average postoperative hospital stay was 6 days. There was no serious complication after operation. CONCLUSIONS: Compared with microsurgical transsphenoidal microsurgery and endoscopic transnasal transsphenoidal surgery, transsphenoidal septum-sphenoid sinus pituitary adenoma resection achieved transsphenoidal microsurgery And endoscopic transnasal pituitary adenoma surgery complement each other, small trauma, easy to operate, complete removal. Have a good endoscopic operation and microsurgical skills, choose the appropriate indications, you can achieve the desired effect.