一、基本概况 赣榆县总面积1402.5平方公里,其中山丘区面积492平方公里,水土流失面积308.6平方公里,占山丘区面积的63%,是一个水土流失较为严重的丘陵山区县。 治理前的赣榆县山丘区是荒山秃岭、砾石扁野的不毛之地。每年汛期山洪暴发,水势凶猛,山岭坡地被冲刷的沟壑纵横,支离破碎。土壤大量流失,土地肥力下降,有效耕植层日趋减少,旱涝灾害交替发生,山区农民广种薄收。六、七十年代的整山治水,建设大寨田运动虽然取得一定成就,但由于缺乏综合治理措施,加之当地群众乱砍滥伐林木,盲目开发
First, a basic overview Ganyu County, a total area of 1402.5 square kilometers, of which 492 square kilometers area hills, soil erosion area of 308.6 square kilometers, accounting for 63% of the hill area, is a more serious soil erosion in hilly mountain counties. Ganyu County before the governance of the hill area is bare mountain bald ridge, gravel flat field of barren land. Every flood season floods, fierce water, ravaged mountain slopes vertical and horizontal, fragmented. A large number of soil loss, decline in land fertility, effective tillage is reduced, droughts and floods occur alternately, a wide range of farmers in thin mountain harvest. In the 1960s and 1970s, the whole mountain water control and the construction of the Dazhai field have made some achievements. However, due to the lack of comprehensive control measures and the deforestation by the local masses, blind development