本刊名誉主编、著名的耳鼻咽喉科专家姜泗长教授因病不幸于 2 0 0 1年 9月 9日在北京逝世 ,噩耗传来 ,万分震惊和悲痛 ,千言万语也难以表达我们的哀思。特刊登“姜泗长同志生平”一文 ,以表示我们深切的悼念。姜泗长教授以他渊博的学识、高尚的品德、严谨的治学态度和诲人不倦?
Our honorary editor in chief, Professor Jiang Si Chang, a famous expert on otolaryngology, was unfortunately shocked and saddened by the unfortunate death of a doctor in Beijing on September 9, 2001. It is difficult to express our grief over a thousand words. We published a special article entitled “Life of Comrade Jiang Si Changzhi” to express our deep condolences. Professor Jiang Si long with his profound knowledge, noble character, rigorous scholarship and tireless?