它们是本次7座家用车选题中第二贵的一组,如果说杰德、科帕奇等车型算是家里“小保姆”的话,那身形更大的奔驰R300 L和英菲尼迪JX35就算是“大保姆”了。也许有人会发出这样的疑问,这两款车有共同性吗?答案是肯定的,首先它们都不算是纯粹的MPV,英菲尼迪JX是打着SUV旗号出现的,而奔驰也希望R系列能够多一些运动性和通过性。
They are the second choice of the seven car expensive car group, if Jed, Copaci and other models at home, “Babysitter ”, then the bigger the Mercedes-Benz R300 L and Infiniti JX35 even “Big nanny ” it. Perhaps some people will issue such a question, the two cars have the same sex? The answer is yes, first of all they are not purely MPV, Infiniti JX is the name of SUV appeared, Mercedes-Benz also hope that the R series can be more Mobility and sex.