The letter from the Third Construction and Construction Company of Shanghai No. 3 Construction Company, Mr. Pan Minyuan, to the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Construction, Tan Qingwei, was praised by Vice Minister Tan. “The letter has a good view. Comrade Pan Manyuan is very concerned about the destiny of the enterprise and the construction industry. “The letter from Comrade Pan Minyuan is now being deleted and published in a few words. This letter is sincere and has a clear-cut view. As a grassroots leader, comrades are concerned about the fate of the company in busy construction and are concerned about the ownership of the development of the construction industry. It is worth advocating. The point raised in the letter is worthy of consideration by the leaders of the construction companies. It is hoped that all cadres at all levels of construction companies, like Comrade Pan Minyuan, are concerned about the development of the enterprise, put forward their own opinions, and speak their own minds. Our ”Construction Enterprise Management" is willing to provide a forum for everyone to express their opinions, and jointly promote the deepening of the reform of the construction management system and the development of construction companies.