Using the inverse method, the analytical solution of a simply supportedpiezoelectric beam subjected to a uniformly distributed loading has been studied. First,
The boundary value problem of plate bending problem on two-parameter foundation was discussed. Using two series of the high-order fundamental solution sequences
<正> 我国的古籍,浩如烟海,丰富异常,历经数千年,源远流长。可是,极尽曲折,累遭厄难。或历史变迁,或朝廷更迭,或兵燹战祸,或水火灾害。聚而又散,散而又聚,聚者费尽艰辛,散则毁于一旦。现择其要者,简辑录之。(一)先秦的图籍,皆由史官掌管。史官负责记录君主的言行,所谓左史记言,右史记行,不虚美,不隐恶,君举必录,惩劝斯在。这些纪录,保存下来,就成为国家的典籍,供统治者处事参考。春秋战国,儒、道、墨、法各家蜂起,诸子并存,学术活跃,百家争鸣。他们著书立说,游说讲学。孔子删诗
The conservation law of nonholonomic system of second-order non-Chatae's type in event space is studied. The Jourdain's principle in event space is pres
A new class of general multivalued mixed implicit quasi-variational inequalities in a real Hilbert space was introduced, which includes the known class of gener
In the flow on a mobile bed in an open channel, sand ripple often appears after the sediment begins to move. Different scholars have different views on the form