【摘 要】
美国的商店分为以下几种: 百货商店(department store)、杂货店(general store)、折扣商店(rebatestore)、一美元商店(one dollar store)、跳蚤市场(flea market)、直销中心(outletcenter)和购物中心(shopping mall)。
百货商店(department store)、杂货店(general store)、折扣商店(rebatestore)、一美元商店(one dollar store)、跳蚤市场(flea market)、直销中心(outletcenter)和购物中心(shopping mall)。
Lead-in The "mouse potato" was invented by Americanwriter Alice Kahn, and is used to describe youngpeople who spend much of their time using computers.It became popular in 1993.
: Hey, nice glasses! Are they new.'? : Yes, I just got them last week. : Nice! I like the frames. They really suit you. : Thanks. They're very light. I really like wearing them. : Where did you ge
Once I was holding a conversation with my conscience. "Don't mistake that, as mankind, you can feel no more excited, and declare yourself to be the mostbright and intelligent animal. In fact, can you
In a few minutes I was knocking at the doorof Leastways Cottage. Getting no answer, I repeated my summons2impatiently. A window above me was cautiouslyopened, and Poirot himself looked out.
Kate Curtis: [picks up the phone] Hello?Jackson Curtis: [in the imo en route to Kate's house] Kate, stop what you're doing. Kate Curtis: Jackson?
近年来,欧美流行乐坛刮起了一股另类风潮,涌现出不少受乐迷追捧的另类音乐领军人物,本文为大家介绍的丁丁乐队也是一支风格独特的双人组合。丁丁不是靠着标新立异的装扮和行为来搏人眼球,而是在音乐创作上开创了属于自己的新天地。两位成员“另类”的成名方式——现场演奏变化多、口耳相传聚人气——也为人所津津乐道。乐队的作品还被收录为iPod 2008年度广告曲,他们还创作出了直捣美国舞曲榜的热门单曲!知名时尚品牌
50元征集小狗个性铃铛,2000元悬赏企业标识设计,100元寻求清迈旅游线路……如果时间许可,又能回答得上,你想不想用自己的头脑换点“真金白银”?反过来, 如果你也有类似的问题,你愿不愿意出点钱找个外脑?这就是时下正在网络上掀起波澜的“威客(witkey)”热潮,它是继闪客、博客和播客后互联网世界中又一个“客”。