信息化战争作为最先进的作战样式 ,对军事人才提出了许多新要求 ,新标准。它要求军事人才具有坚强的政治思想素质、较高的信息素质、综合的军事专业素质、过硬的身体心理素质。按照军委实施军队人才战略工程的总体部署 ,搞好顶层设计 ,制定长远规划 ,是信息战争条件下对人才队伍建设提出的根本要求。
As the most advanced operational mode, the information war has put forward many new requirements and new standards for military personnel. It requires that military professionals have a strong political and ideological qualities, a high information quality, a comprehensive military professional quality, and excellent physical and mental qualities. In accordance with the overall deployment of the strategic deployment of military personnel by the Central Military Commission, doing a top-level design and formulating a long-term plan are the fundamental requirements put forward by the CPPCC for building a contingent of qualified personnel under conditions of information warfare.