梅兰芳先生是我国杰出的京剧表演艺术家,他那高雅、典丽、雍容华贵的艺术气质,不仅把京剧的旦行艺术推到一个至今仍无人企及的高度,同时还被我国各个地方剧种的旦行视为楷模,都将该剧种的领军人物以“××梅兰芳”命名之,于是在全国范围内出现了如“福建梅兰芳--郑亦奏”、 “武汉梅兰芳--南铁山”、 “川剧梅兰芳--阳友鹤”、 “汉剧梅兰芳--陈伯华”等等诸多戏曲名家,从而形成了以他为标志、为中心的中国演剧体系,即梅兰芳表演艺术体系。
Mr. Mei Lanfang is an outstanding opera artist in Peking opera. His elegant, elegant and graceful artistic temperament has not only pushed the art of the opera of the Peking opera to a heights still unmanned, but also been used by various local operas in our country. As the leading role of the play named “× × Mei Lanfang”, so in the country appeared, such as “Fujian Mei Lanfang - Zheng also played ” “Wuhan Mei Lanfang - South Tieshan ”, “Sichuan Opera Mei Lanfang - Yang Youhe ”, “Han Mei Mei Lanfang - Chen Bohua ” and many other famous opera, resulting in his as Signs, as the center of the Chinese drama system, that Mei Lanfang performing arts system.