六龄牙是恒牙列中的第一恒磨牙。儿童六岁左右开始萌出。它是终生咀嚼工具之一,亦是整个恒牙列中发挥咀嚼功能力量最大,作用时间最长的牙齿。为了了解它的发病情况,更好地指导儿童的口腔卫生保健工作,我们对百色市东合小学,百色民族师范学校附属小学的974名小学生进行了六龄牙龋患情况的调查。 1 调查方法: 在自然光线下,采用口镜、探针、镊子等器械,以视、探诊法为主,凡在牙齿表面或窝沟处有色、形、质三方面变化者均诊断为龋齿。 2 结果分析 2.1 六龄牙龋患状况在受检者974人中,六龄牙患龋者318名,其龋患率为32.
Six-year-old tooth is the permanent dentition in the permanent dentition. Children begin to erupt about six years old. It is one of the tools for life-long chewing, and it is also the tooth that exerts the most powerful and long-lasting functions in the entire permanent dentition. In order to understand its incidence and better guide children's oral health care work, we conducted a survey of dental caries status of 6-year-old children in 974 pupils in Donghe Primary School and Baise National Minority Normal School affiliated to Baise City. 1 survey methods: under natural light, the use of mirrors, probes, tweezers and other equipment, mainly to visual and exploration clinics, where the surface of the tooth or pit and fissure Department of color, shape and quality changes were diagnosed as dental caries . 2 Results Analysis 2.1 Six-year-old dental caries status Among the 974 subjects, there were 318 dental caries in the sixth instar and the caries prevalence was 32.