一、本學報為學術性刊物,暂定每年出刊一期,主要刊登下列各种性質的稿件: 1.學術性論著 2.試驗研究論文 3.教學法研究論文 4.祖國农業生產經驗的分析研究 5.研究簡報、摘要、書報介紹或書评等二、每篇文稿字數以不超撾10,000字為宜,文字一律用语体文並须用间行的方格稿紙横寫,繕写清晰,注意加用標點符號,末尾儘可能地附外文摘要,摘要字數不得超過全文字数的3—5%。外文摘要可用俄、英、德、法文字。三、外文須用打字机双行间格打好(特殊符號用手写,拉丁文用斜体寫),或用印刷体手抄。
First, the journal is an academic journal, tentatively published one issue per year, mainly published in the following manuscripts of various nature: 1. academic thesis 2. experimental research papers 3. pedagogy research papers 4. motherland agricultural production experience Analytical research 5. Research briefs, abstracts, newspaper presentations or book reviews etc. II. Each word should be no more than 10,000 words in Chao language, the text shall be in the style of a body language and shall be written and printed Clear, pay attention to add punctuation, at the end as much as possible with foreign abstracts, the abstract words can not exceed 3-5% of the full text of the words. Foreign abstract available Russian, English, German, French words. Third, the foreign language shall be typed with a double-spaced typewriter (special symbols written by hand and written in italics in the Latin language) or handwritten in printed form.