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1953年,日本人土屋知太郎等发现了谷维素,经初步动物实验证明其有促进生长和繁殖的作用。许多资料表明谷维素能调整间脑和下丘脑的功能,对植物神经失调和内分泌平衡障碍引起的综合症具有良好的疗效。我国盛产大米,为工业提取谷维素提供了丰富的原料。我国已于1970年大量生产谷维素,为了进一步对谷维素进行药理学研究和推广临床应用,进行如下综述。谷维素的药理作用一、促性腺作用:土屋知太郎等曾给小鼠皮下注射谷维素,一周后发现小鼠的体重增加20%左右。解剖检查,发现每侧生殖器均增大、充血。小堀进等曾给多种动物皮下注射谷维素,注射前后均检查外阴部、内阴部及阴道 In 1953, Japanese Tsuchiya Mitomo found oryzanol, preliminary animal experiments show that it has the role of promoting growth and reproduction. Many sources indicate that oryzanol can regulate the function of the diencephalon and the hypothalamus and has a good effect on the syndrome caused by disorders of the autonomic nervous system and endocrine disorders. My country is rich in rice, for the extraction of oryzanol industrial provides a wealth of raw materials. China has been mass production of oryzanol in 1970, in order to further oryzanol pharmacological research and promotion of clinical applications, the following overview. Oryzanol pharmacological effects A gonadal role: Tsuchiya Shintaro had subcutaneous injections of oryzanol mouse, a week later found that mice increased body weight about 20%. Anatomical examination, found that each side of the genitals have increased, congestion. Kobayashi Jin has given a variety of animal subcutaneous injections of oryzanol, both before and after injection to check the genitals, genitals and vagina
在“走进分子世界”的学习中,要求我们明确分子动理论的三点主要内容:物质是由分子组成的;一切分子都在永不停息地做无规则运动;分子间存在斥力和引力.在具体问题中能结合所学知识对一些现象作出解释,或者通过一些现象的描述来总结出具体的结论.  例1 液体表面部分分子挣脱其他分子的束缚,逃逸到空气中,这是蒸发的微观本质;同样,固体表面分子也可以逃逸到空气中,这是升华的微观本质;把糖块放进水中,糖分子会跑到水