
来源 :电气应用 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Guihuaxuetu
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雷电是一种常见的自然现象,雷击建筑物及其附近会危及到人身安全,破坏电气设备及电子设备,在建筑物上安装一套完整有效的防雷系统是减小雷击危害的最有效的措施。国际上现行防雷系统设计规范较多,差异较大,所以对国内外常用的几本防雷规范进行对比分析,总结了各规范的使用范围及具体的防雷措施要求,为工程项目中建筑物防雷系统设计提供参考。 Lightning is a common natural phenomenon. It is a natural phenomenon that lightning strikes buildings and their vicinity may endanger personal safety and damage electrical equipment and electronic equipment. Installing a complete and effective lightning protection system in buildings is the most effective way to reduce the risk of lightning strikes Measures. Internationally, there are many design rules of current lightning protection system, and the difference is quite large. Therefore, comparative analysis of several commonly used lightning protection specifications both at home and abroad is made, and the application scope of each specification and the requirements of lightning protection measures are summarized. Lightning protection system design for reference.
摘 要:在职教语文教学中给予民俗文化科学积极的定位,提高学生人文素养,是职教语文教学改革的有益尝试。   关键词:职业教育;语文教学;民俗文化   一、民俗文化在职教语文教学中的意义和价值   民俗文化是一个民族或一个社会群体,在长期的生产实践和社会生活中逐渐形成,并世代相传的较为稳定的文化事项,可以简单概括为民族的行为风尚、习惯,是人类文明的结晶。它具有多元性和复合性、阶层性和地方性、神秘性和实