2004年6月9—16日,北京Auto China2004隆重举办。展商数量和观众人数均超过历届,但商用汽车参展规模却没有达到我们预期的目标。商用汽车领域,虽然只有30余家国内外整车企业和众多的零部企业参展,但许多展品的技术层次却代表了目前世界领先水平,并揭示了今后一定时期内商用汽车发展的方向。本刊特以崭新视觉再现商用汽车及零部件企业及产品的参展盛况。
June 9-16, 2004, Beijing Auto China2004 was held. The number of exhibitors and the number of visitors are more than the previous, but the scale of commercial vehicle exhibitors did not meet our expectations. Although there are only more than 30 domestic and foreign automobile enterprises and numerous auto parts exhibitors in the field of commercial vehicles, the technical level of many exhibits represents the current leading level in the world and reveals the development direction of commercial vehicles in a certain period of time in the future. The magazine features a new visual reproduction of commercial vehicles and parts companies and products exhibitors grand occasion.