
来源 :中华小儿外科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sonim0
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先天性肠系膜裂孔疝国内外文献报道较少,此病发展迅速,常合并绞窄性肠梗阻及中毒性休克,是小儿外科严重的急腹症之一。自1973年以来,在手术治疗小儿各类机械性肠梗阻984例中,肠系膜裂孔迹引起急性肠梗阻7例,占0.719%,现报道如下。一、临床资料:本组... Congenital mesenteric hiatal hernia is rarely reported in the literature at home and abroad, the rapid development of the disease, often associated with strangulated intestinal obstruction and toxic shock, is one of the severe acute abdomen pediatric surgery. Since 1973, surgical treatment of various types of mechanical intestinal obstruction in children 984 cases, mesenteric wound caused by acute intestinal obstruction in 7 cases, accounting for 0.719%, are reported below. First, the clinical data: the group ...