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目的优化女贞叶有效成分提取工艺的研究。方法以总皂苷提取含量和总黄酮提取含量的综合评分为因变量,以提取时间,溶媒用量(乙醇体积分数),料液比,提取次数为自变量,采用Box-Behnken响应面法优选女贞叶的有效成分提取工艺,应用Design Expert.8.061软件分析最终所得实验数据,建立多元二次回归方程。结果优选出女贞叶的最佳提取工艺参数为:乙醇体积分数为89.66%,提取次数2.47次,料液比11.41∶1,提取时间57.60 min,考虑到实际可操作性及工业大生产的实用性,把提取工艺参数设定为乙醇体积分数90%,料液比11∶1,提取时间60 min,提取次数2次。最终的实测值0.98619与预测值0.97323的吻合度良好。结论以总黄酮、总皂苷的提取含量的综合评分优选出女贞叶的提取工艺,为建立女贞叶合理科学的提取工艺提供参考。 Objective To optimize the extraction of active ingredients from Ligustrum lucidum leaves. Methods The total score of total saponin extraction and total flavonoids extraction was taken as the dependent variable, and the extraction time, the amount of solvent (ethanol volume fraction), the ratio of solid to liquid and the number of extraction were used as independent variables. The Box-Behnken response surface method Effective components of the leaf extraction process, the application of Design Expert.8.061 software analysis of the final experimental data to establish multivariate quadratic regression equation. The results showed that the optimal extraction parameters of privet leaves were: ethanol volume fraction 89.66%, extraction times 2.47 times, solid-liquid ratio 11.41:1 and extraction time 57.60 min. Considering the practical operability and practicality of industrial production The extraction process parameters were set as follows: ethanol volume fraction 90%, solid-liquid ratio 11: 1, extraction time 60 min, extraction times 2 times. The good agreement between the final measured value of 0.98619 and the predicted value of 0.97323 was good. Conclusion The extraction process of Ligustrum lucidum leaves was optimized by the comprehensive score of total flavonoids and total saponins, which provided a scientific basis for the establishment of lustrous leaves extraction technology.
1989年10月,里氏7.2级的黑山(Loma Prieta)地震严重损坏了美国旧金山海湾大桥东段结构,部分上不结构坍塌,造成一人死亡,大桥被迫关闭一个月之久,经过修复后继续维持交通至今
对了,机器人小杰呢?记得它也是在小木屋中的呀,怎么警察一来它就一溜烟儿跑了呢?当初,它可是说法院要重审案子,我才跟着它走出监狱的啊。如今,它跑到哪里去了呢?  它怎么给我准备好早餐后就不见了呢?金用仔细回想着其中的细节,他在睡梦中迷迷糊糊地听见小杰说了一句“我就变成机器人界的大功臣”这句话,莫非问题就出在小杰身上?  金用想起来就在昨天晚上,当他出去上厕所时,在一片漆黑的草丛中,似乎看到有人影在后
患儿女 ,13岁。因便秘 5年 ,心悸、乏力、水肿 1年半于 2 0 0 0年 2月 2 9日入院。 1年半前在当地医院ECG提示 :ST段压低 ,T波低平。心脏B超示左室收缩功能呈降低趋势。心肌酶 :肌酸
为探讨儿童致盲原因,自1983年四平盲童建校后,我们连续对该校1983--1986届入学的学生进行了盲因普查。现将调查情况报告如下。 To explore the causes of childhood blindn