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  1.明确主攻方向,改变了在以往招商引资工作中的盲目性。过去, 招商引资工作不管项目的科技含量,不论项目的规模档次。现在我们重新确定了招商引资的主攻方向。一是引进世界知名跨国公司,通过与跨国公司的合作,促进新兴产业、支柱产业的发展;二是引进与园区现有的六大产业相互关联性强的企业,以此促进在园区内形成产业集聚效应;三是引进高新技术产业和先进的技术,以此来着力改造园区企业的质量效应。
  How for ETDZs to Build up New Advantages
  By Yi Yuxin from Changcha ETDZ
  Now that China has become a full member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the process of economic globalization is accelerating, remarkable changes are taking place in the Chinese economy and society. Once pioneers in China‘s reform and opening up to the outside world, economic and technological development zones (ETDZ for short) now see the advantages they once enjoyed waning. We have the urgent need to find out answers to questions like how to build up new advantages to effectively cope with the challenges in the wake of China‘s WTO entry.
  I.. It is imperative for ETDZs to develop new advantages
  Before its entry into the WTO, China had opened only some parts of its land or some sectors of its economy to the outside world. As a full member of the WTO, however, it is obliged to eventually open in its entirety, hence the new challenges now facing ETDZs.
  1. It is certain that the preferential policies ETDZs have enjoyed will become less important to their development.
  As China has gradually opened to the outside world in an all-round way, the ETDZs, or "special zones", are no longer special. According to WTO rules, member states must give one another "national treatment" in terms of products, service and investment except for few sectors deemed as special. Foreign enterprises operating in China are given the same treatment as domestic enterprises, and so are enterprises in and out of ETDZs.
  In addition, standardization and transparency have become the guiding principle of ETDZs in formulating policy privileges to lure in investment. So it is easy for regions not designated as ETDZs to follow suit.
  2. Competition will become increasingly fierce in attracting investment
  Non-ETDZs and ETDZs are becoming increasingly identical in opening. In other words, non-ETDZs and ETDZs will eventually practice the same policies for attracting investment. Besides, non-ETDZs and ETDZs enjoy the same access to information. It is therefore foreseeable that competition between different the ETDZs, and between non-ETDZs and ETDZs will become increasingly fierce.
  When the Changsha ETDZ was established, the state-level ETDZ comprised the Changsha High-tech Development Area and the Changsha Economic and Technology Development Area. Since 2001, however, the five districts and four counties under Changsha‘s jurisdiction established nine industrial parks which, as a matter of course, compete with one another for investment. Through analysis of enterprises that have been established in the ETDZ, we have found that Changsha ETDZ is still favored by investors. The reason is that the ETDZ has better infrastructure facilities thanks to development over the past ten years. In deciding where to invest, investors invariably give priority to geographical advantages and infrastructure facilities, not policy privileges committed to them.
  II. There is the need to readjust our strategy for investment invitation.
  1. In the past, we failed to pay sufficient attention to the technology-content of projects and their sizes when trying to attract investment. We now have pinpointed the right direction for work in this regard. First of all, we need to concentrate on luring in world-known multinational corporations. Through cooperation with multinational corporations, we will be able to promote the development of our new and pillar industries. Secondly, we need to lure in enterprises that are closely related to the industries already operating in the zone to complete our industrial establishment for greater competitiveness. Thirdly, high-tech companies and advanced technology are what we should strive to win, in order to improve the quality of our products.
  2. In the past, direct investment was the major form of investment we were able to absorb. Now weshould try to diversify the forms and channels of investment in step with the new trend of trans-national capital flow.
  3.We have been successful in attracting foreign capital for the sectors of electronics and information, machinery and biochemical engineering. We began working to lure in foreign investment to the service sector.
当“下课”声频频在中关村响起的时候,人们会很自然地想到让无数球迷爱恨交加的甲A职业足球联赛。  “下课”是甲A联赛“创造”的新词汇。当一个俱乐部遇到巨大困难的时候,当球队战绩不佳、球市低迷的时候,“下课”的总是那些“教头”们。同时,人们又经常看到,一支球队内藏的深层次矛盾,也并没有简单地因为这些教练员的“下课”,而得到根本的改变。  所以,当甲A联赛的“下课”声,突然在被誉为中国高科技的希望所在—
项目一:生态林业示范园项目    一、项目背景  生态林业示范园位于青岛经济技术开发区西部,小珠山南麓周家夼水库周边。园区总面积约2.5平方公里,其中中心区规划总面积22万平方米。  二、项目建设内容  该项目建设属小流域综合治理与开发,建设目标为完善十大功能区,建成林业观光园、百花园、盆景园、茶园、“农家乐”风味餐厅、钓鱼岛、帐篷区、别墅区等园区,项目总投资5100万元,一期生态林业建设投资21