,Application of a characterized difference-frequency laser source to carbon monoxide trace detection

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiaomoji
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A tunable continuous wave(cw) mid-infrared(MIR) laser based on difference-frequency generation(DFG) in a 1.5-cm long AgGaS2 nonlinear crystal for trace gas detection is reported.Two visible and near-infrared diode lasers were used as pump and signal sources.The MIR-DFG laser was tunable in a wavelength range of 4.75 μm-4.88 μm.The phase-matching(PM) condition was non-critically achieved by adjusting the temperature of the crystal for fixed pairs of input pump and signal wavelengths.The required PM temperatures of the generated MIR-DFG wavelengths have been calculated by using three sets of recent Sellmeier equations and the temperature-dispersion equations of AgGaS2 given by Willer U,et al.(Willer U,Blanke T and Schade W 2001 Appl.Opt.40 5439).Then the calculated PM temperatures are compared with the experimental values.The performance of the MIR-DFG laser is shown by the trace detection of the P(16) carbon monoxide(12C16O) absorption line in a laboratory-fabricated absorption cell.The enhanced sensitivity of about 0.6×10 4 was obtained through the long path absorption provided by consecutive reflections between coated cylindrical mirrors of a constructed cell. A tunable continuous wave (cw) mid-infrared (MIR) laser based on difference-frequency generation (DFG) in a 1.5-cm long AgGaS2 nonlinear crystal for trace gas detection is reported. Two visible and near-infrared diode lasers were used as pump and signal sources. The MIR-DFG laser was tunable in a wavelength range of 4.75 μm-4.88 μm. The phase-matching (PM) condition was non-critically achieved by adjusting the temperature of the crystal for fixed pairs of input pump and signal wavelengths.The required PM temperatures were generated by using three sets of recent Sellmeier equations and the temperature-dispersion equations of AgGaS2 given by Willer U, et al. (Willer U, Blanke T and Schade W 2001 Appl. Opt. 40 5439) .Then the calculated PM temperatures are compared with the experimental values. The performance of the MIR-DFG laser is shown by the trace detection of the P (16) carbon monoxide (12C16O) absorption line in a laboratory-fabricated absorption cell.T he enhanced sensitivity of about 0.6 × 10 4 was obtained through the long path absorption provided by consecutive reflections between coated cylindrical mirrors of a constructed cell.
<正> 今年十一月二十七日,是新闻界老前辈戈公振先生诞生九十周年。在旧中国,戈公振是为新闻界进步人士所称道的新闻名将,一个思想上不断追求进步的严谨学者,又是中国新闻业史的先躯研究者。正确评价其人,承继他的学术遗产,对于尽快改变我国目前新闻学研究的薄弱状况,是很有现实意义的,这也是对他的诞辰的最好纪念。生平简略戈公振(一八九○——一九三五),江苏东台人。幼年时,曾在伯祖母办的庵学塾读书,后来入了东台高等学堂。他学习非常用功,差不多每门功课都考第一名。凡是读过的书,他都要求自己能默诵。
出版自由也就是言论自由,如果将报纸也列入出版物的一种,那么也包括新闻自由在内。言论、著作、新闻、出版的自由其实是一件事,是指人民讲话,发表意见和主张,特别是公开发表政治见解的自由权利。  民主不只是让人讲话的问题,有些同志已经写文章做过解释了。不少人把开明君主的“纳谏”,让臣下大胆讲话,甚至“高价收买批评”,称之为民主,这是一种极大的误解。我国封建社会的历史很长,封建主义的传统和影响在社会生活中,