Health personnel-targeted education interventions on inpatient suicide prevention in general hospita

来源 :国际护理科学(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huoxingtan22
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Background: Inpatient suicide is an important part of patient safety management in general hospitals.Incidence of inpatient suicide can be decreased by health personnel mastering inpatient suicide prevention strategy.To enhance health personnel’s inpatient suicide prevention strategy,education intervention is a common method.Educational interventions in the researches varied in contents,duration and outcome measurements.However,there has been not synthesis of education interventions targeting health personnel on inpatient suicide prevention.Objective: Prevention of inpatient suicide is a critical priority in patient safety management in general hospitals.Incidence of inpatient suicide can be decreased by effective strategies mastered by health personnel through education interventions.Educational interventions in researches varied in contents,duration and outcome measurements.We aimed to review education interventions targeting health personnel on inpatient suicide prevention.Methods: A scoping review was used to analyze existing researches on education interventions targeting health personnel focusing on inpatient suicide prevention in general hospitals.Cochrane Library,PubMed,Embase,CINAHL,China National Knowledge Infrastructure,WanFang,and Chinese Scientific Joal Database were searched in Oct 2019.According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria,the searched studies were screened by two reviewers.And then,two researchers conducted the data extraction independently by using a table format,including the first author,year of publication,study design,participants,education intervention,etc.Results: Twelve studies were included in this scoping review.The contents of education interventions on inpatient suicide prevention included three aspects: suicide knowledge,suicide assessment,and skills for coping with suicide.The duration of education interventions ranged from 1.5-h to 32.0-h.The effects of education interventions were mainly focused on participants’ knowledge,attitudes and skills of suicide prevention.Conclusion: The evidence showed that education interventions on inpatient suicide prevention had positive impact on health personnel’s knowledge,attitude and skills about inpatient suicide prevention in general hospitals.However,the best health personnel-targeted education intervention on inpatient suicide prevention in general hospitals was yet to be determined.In the future,it is necessary to combine evidence in this review and the actual condition in clinical practice.
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