194 9年以来我国农村社会保障制度经历了从“以队为基础的集体保障”到“以家庭为主、国家和集体扶持救助为辅的社会保障”的历史变迁 ,大体可划分为初步建立、进一步巩固完善、异常发展、调整与恢复、改革与创新 5个阶段。但是 ,由于诸多因素的制约 ,农村社会保障仍然存在着水平低、风险大、方式旧等问题
Since 1949, the rural social security system in our country has undergone a historical change from “collective security based on the team” to "social security supplemented by the state and collective assistance and assistance, supplemented by the state and the collective. It can be roughly divided into initial establishment, Further consolidate and improve, abnormal development, adjustment and recovery, reform and innovation in five stages. However, due to many factors, rural social security still has some problems such as low level, high risk and old way