港口国监控巴黎谅解备忘录(PARIS MOU)于上周在其希腊路特奇召开的会议上,决定给予地中海谅解备忘录、利雅德谅解备忘录和黑海谅解备忘录以观察员资格。这意味着这些谅解备忘录的代表可以参与PARISMOU的会议,包括委员会会议。PARIS MOU秘书长Ri-chard Schiferli称,向所有具有观
The PARIS MOU, at its meeting in Lutzic, Greece last week, decided to grant Observer status to the Mediterranean Memorandum of Understanding, the Riyadh Memorandum of Understanding and the Black Sea Memorandum of Understanding. This means that representatives of these memorandums of understanding can participate in PARISMOU meetings, including committee meetings. Ri-chard Schiferli, secretary-general of PARIS MOU, said that there is a vision for all