四、企业组织机构和规章制度(一) 建立和健全以厂长为首的统一的生产经营指挥系统1、什么是生产经营指挥系统?它包括哪些子系统? 生产经营指挥系统,就是以厂长为首的对企业的生产经营活动进行统一领导分级管理的一整套科学的组织体系。它包括:以厂长为首的各级行政领导人、各级职能机构和职能人员,以及与生产经营活动有关的规章制度和责任制度。生产经营指挥系统,是企业总系统的一级子系统。它是由经营系统、生产系统、人
IV. Organizations and Rules and Regulations of Enterprises (I) Establishment and improvement of a unified production and operation command system headed by the director 1. What is the production and operation command system and what subsystems does it include? The production and operation command system is headed by the director of the plant. A set of scientific organizational systems that govern the company’s production and business activities in a unified and hierarchical manner. It includes: executives at all levels headed by the director, functional organizations at all levels and personnel, and rules and regulations relating to production and business activities. The production and operation command system is the primary subsystem of the enterprise’s total system. It consists of operating systems, production systems, people