1 原阳黄河防汛形势1.1 地理位置原阳系由原武、阳武两县合并而成,位于黄河下游上首,数华北冲积平原的脊部。河出邙山,首当其冲。由于其特殊的地理位置,有史以来,就是决溢频繁之地。据史籍不完全统计,自东汉光武以来,黄河在原阳境内决溢竟达67次之多,并有4次形成河道迁徙。河患深重,原阳人民深受其害。为此,历代治河无不把原阳河段列为防守重点。黄河一旦在原阳决口,洪水将波及京、津、豫、鲁4省,受淹范围达
1 Yuyang Yellow River flood control situation 1.1 Geographic location The original Yang Department by the original Wu, Yang Wu two counties merged, located in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, the number of North China alluvial plain ridge. River out of hills, bear the brunt. Because of its special geographical location, history is the most frequent overflow. According to incomplete historical records, since the Eastern Han Dynasty Guangwu, the Yellow River in the territory of the original surrender as many as 67 times, and four times the formation of river migration. Deep river trouble, the original Yang people deeply hurt. To this end, all rule of the ancient Yanghe River as a defensive focus. Once the Yellow River in Yuanyangjuekou, floods will affect Beijing, Tianjin, Henan, Shandong Province 4, flooded range