坐落在闽西上杭县南阳镇的龙田书院创办于清咸丰元年 (1851年),是当时闽西老区的“一所革命的学校”。旁听生改名为“不显” 1926年春,年仅10岁的陈丕显来到龙田书院求学。校长黄体中见他天资聪颖、活泼可爱,又念过私塾,只是家境贫困缴不起学费,就决定收他为旁听生。从此,少年陈丕显就开始接受革命
Longtian Academy, located in Nanyang Town, Shanghang County, in the west of Fujian Province, was founded in the first year of Qing Xianfeng (1851) as a “revolutionary school” in the old west of Minxi. Listening to students renamed “not significant” In the spring of 1926, only 10 years old Chen Pi Xian came to Longtian College to study. President Huang saw him bright and talented, lively and lovely, but also read a private school, but poor family can not afford to pay tuition fees, it was decided to accept him as a listener. Since then, juvenile Chen Pi Xian began to accept the revolution