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  Patricia: Maxwell. Better be good.
  Officer: Mrs. Maxwell, we have a situation. Patricia: What?
  Officer: Code Red in Afghanistan.
  Patricia: (To her husband) Go to sleep. (Turns on the TV) Oh! Tell me that’s not a mosque.
  Officer: Well, it is a religious establishment...
  Patricia: Of course it’s a bloody mosque! The British have absolutely nothing to do with this whatsoever. And I want every single man, woman, child and goat in Afghanistan to know that.
  (In the office, P a t r i c i a i s talking to her subordinates.)
  Right, you lot. We need a good news story from the Middle East, a big one. And we need it now. You’ve got an hour, get on with it. Come on,
  come on. Come up with something. What’s this? A project to introduce salmon fishing to the Yemen. Salmon fishing. Salmon fishing in the Yemen. Is that the best you 5)puffedup Oxbridge-educated 6)moronic 7)buffoons can come up with? (PM calls to ask about the events in Afghanistan) Yes? Oh, yes, Prime Minister. Well, no, I’m working on it right now. I think I may have come up with something that you’ll like. (Patricia’s on the way to the PM’s office) Salmon fishing. Salmon fishing. Are you 8)dollies trying to get me fired?
  (In order to defuse Arab-Western tensions, PM’s press officer decides to put the salmon fishing project into action, and Alfred is assigned to work on it.)   Alfred: Well, firstly, we would need to trap 10,000 salmon from the North Sea, for the sake of argument, get them to the Yemen alive, don’t ask me how, where they would be deposited in temperature and oxygencontrolled holding tanks built into a 9)wadi that would, hallelujah, open during the rainy season, allowing the salmon to migrate upstream for, say, 10 kilometers, which would allow your sheikh to 10)hoick them out of the water to his heart’s content. Of course, until the dry season, when they will all die.
  Harriet: Well, unless we feed the wadi all year round using the dam.
  Alfred: Of course. Stupid idiot man. Why not use precious water resources to support one man’s sport fishing? So, now that we have year-round water, why not build some gravel spawning grounds, breed the world’s first Arabian salmon, and teach the clever fellows to migrate to the Indian Ocean...
  Harriet: Wonderful, wonderful idea.
  That’s marvelous. Up, oooh! This has just become a priority project. Anything I can do, just give me a call. Two million. God, men, what a species.
  Bernard Sugden (Head of the Fisheries and Agriculture Department): I don’t think she got the right end of the stick there.
  Alfred: Your call, I think, Bernard. Ten thousand native Atlantic salmon on my desk by Friday, please. 14)Ta-ta. Bernard: Yeah, well, you’d just better come through on this, Jones.
  (Bernard’s talking to the Head of the EA, and is told they can’t get any fish from British rivers.)
  Tom Price-Williams: Have you any idea what an outcry there would be if the Environment Agency stripped British rivers of 10,000 salmon and shipped them off to the F-ing Yemen?
  Bernard: Well, how many can you spare?
  Tom: None! Christ, Bernard! Anglers, they’re obsessive crazies. You think 15)Al Qaeda are a threat, think again, mate. I’ve seen a fly fisherman wade into a river and try and drown a canoeist just for passing by in a 16)Day-Glo jacket. You haven’t got a hope in hell of getting these fish from British rivers.   嗬!现在这是个重点项目了,有什么需要我帮助的打电话就行。两百万,感谢上帝,真是个庞大的“族群”。
  (Without the support of the government, Alfred finds himself still wanting to work on this project. )
  Alfred: We don’t need native river fish. We’ll be all right with farmed salmon.
  Harriet: Oh…
  Alfred: I know. I don’t much like them, but...Well, they will run. I know it. Ah, yes, Your Excellency. Despite our moral and philosophical objections, farmed salmon will run. I’m absolutely sure of it.
  Sheikh: The day has arrived, before the dam, this was a dry riverbed. And now, as you all can see, we have water. And today, we hope we shall discover the one missing thing. So, thank you, one and all, for coming, as not one of you, not even my dear self, knows if this curious experiment of mine will actually work.
  (The salmon are running upstream, but the whole thing is destroyed by some local people. They think the Sheikh brings the western ways to their land and insults their God. And Alfred and Harriet don’t know if they want to try the whole thing again.)
  Sheikh: Dr. Alfred, look! They’re alive!
  Alfred: I’m going to stay. I’m gonna start again. I’ll do it on my own if I have to. I’ll…I’ll start small, though, this time. A different approach. Just a few fish to begin with. Involve the local community more. Make it their project, not ours. That’s the way to protect it.
  Harriet: Do you need an assistant, Dr. Jones?
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