
来源 :天津市教科院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdongjiang
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新课程倡导“自主、合作、探究”的教学理念,这种教学理念在课堂教学中主要是通过课堂讨论来实现的,那么怎样才能合理地组织学生高效讨论呢?通过教学实践,我认为要从以下几个方面着手。一、创设民主和谐的课堂氛围,使课堂讨论顺利进行陶行知提出:“创造力量最能发挥的条件是民主。”良好的教学氛围具有极大的感染力,促进情感的交流,形成积极的课堂情景,对课堂教学效果起到“催化”作用。只有在这和 The new curriculum advocates the teaching concept of “autonomy, cooperation, inquiry”. This teaching philosophy is mainly achieved through classroom discussions in classroom teaching. How can we organize students’ efficient discussions reasonably? Through teaching practice, I think From the following aspects. First, the creation of democratic and harmonious atmosphere of the classroom to make the class discussion smooth Tao put forward: “The most creative conditions of power to play a democracy. ” Good teaching atmosphere has a great appeal to promote the exchange of emotions, the formation of Positive classroom scenarios, the effect of classroom teaching played a “catalytic” role. Only in this and