把孔丘押上审判台钟山风雨起苍黄。十九世纪中叶,以南京为都城的太平天国革命,也是一场波澜壮阔、声势浩大的反孔运动。当时,曾经流传着一个深受太平天国军民欢迎的神话故事——有一天,“皇上帝”把孔丘的书摆出来一看,发现里边尽是些教人做坏事的胡言谬说,于是派人把孔丘抓来,叫他跪在地上,厉声质问道:“孔丘,你为什么写坏书害人?”孔丘开始时还狡猾抵赖,瞪着眼睛,死不认账,“皇上帝”又训斥道:“你真是罪恶的渊薮,该杀的妖人!”孔丘被问得哑口无言。他一看形势不妙,就私逃下天,准备同人世间的“妖魔头”一同溜走。“皇上帝”勃然大怒,立即派天使去追捕孔丘,逮住后就捆绑回来,严加鞭打。孔丘被打得体无完肤,狼狈不堪,只好跪在地上再三哀求,不得不承认自己有罪。最后,“皇上帝”宣布永远不准孔丘下凡,罚孔丘这个“四体不勤,五谷不分”的寄生虫去种菜园! 这个富有革命浪漫主义色彩的故事是谁创造的呢?不是别人,正是太平天国的杰出领袖、反孔英雄洪秀全!
Confucius pushed to trial Bench Chung Shan stormy yellow. The mid-nineteenth century, with Nanjing as the capital of the Taiping Rebellion, is also a magnificent, massive anti-hole movement. At that time, there was a myth that was deeply welcomed by the people of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. One day, Emperor Huang put out the book of Confucius and found that there were nonsense in teaching him to do bad things. Kongqiu caught, told him to kneel on the ground, snapped and asked: “Confucius, why do you write bad books harm?” At the beginning of Confucius also repugnant cunning, staring eyes, dead do not admit Zhang, “Emperor” and reprimanded Said: “You are really a deep evil, the killing of the monster!” Confucius asked was dumbfounded. As soon as he saw the situation was not good, he escaped from the sky and prepared to slip away with the demon head of the human world. “Emperor” raged, immediately sent angels to hunt Confucius Hill, caught and tied back, severely whipped. Confucius was beaten to perfection, find any position, had to kneel on the ground again and again begged, had to admit their guilt. Finally, the “Emperor of God” announced that it will never allow the ducts to go downhill and punish Confucius, the “inseparable and grain-free” parasite, to plant gardens. Who created the story of a revolutionary romanticism? Others, it is an outstanding leader of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, anti-hole hero Hong Xiuquan!