中央工艺美术学院教授、中国美术家协会会员、北京工笔重彩画会会员、北京市中国书画收藏家协会副秘书长、中国老教授协会会员黄显隆先生,因患肝癌医治无效,于一九九九年十月十八日在北京逝世,享年五十八岁。 黄显隆先生,一九四一年七月二十日生于四川重庆,一九六○年考入中央工艺美术学院染织系,一九六五年毕业留校任教。他师承俞致贞教授,在大学期间,曾受业于田世光先生。在名家的指导和熏陶下,他的工笔花鸟画的教学与创作打下了坚实的基础。黄显隆先生热爱党的教育事业,为人师表,勤奋耕耘,诲人不倦,教学严谨,循循善诱,深入浅出,生动活泼,培养出一批成绩斐然的工艺美术人才,堪称桃李满天下。三十多年来,为我国的工艺美术教育事业作出了无私的贡献。黄显隆先生一生热爱祖国,热爱党,热爱学生,作风正派,人品高尚,谦虚谨慎,淡泊名利,甘为人梯,深得学生的敬重。
Professor of Central Academy of Arts and Crafts, member of Chinese Artists Association, member of Beijing Penson Painting Society, deputy secretary general of Chinese Artists Association of Chinese painting and calligraphy, member of Association of Chinese Old Professors Huang Xianlong, invalid for treatment of liver cancer, in 1999 Died in Beijing on October 18 at the age of fifty-eight. Mr. Huang Xianlong, born in Chongqing, Sichuan on July 20, 1941, was admitted to the department of dyeing and weaving of the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts in 1960, and left to teach in 1965. He instructed Professor Yu Zhizhen, who had been employed by Mr. Tian Shiguang during his university life. Under the guidance and influence of masters, he has laid a solid foundation for his teaching and creation of meticulous bird painting. Mr. Huang Xianlong love the party’s education cause, as a teacher, hardworking, tireless education, rigorous teaching, follow the example, explain profound theories in simple language, vivid and lively, to cultivate a group of outstanding achievements in arts and crafts talent, called Tao Li world. Over the past 30 years, China has made unselfish contributions to the arts and crafts education in China. Mr. Huang Xianlong love his life, love the party, love students, style decent, noble character, modest and prudent, indifferent to fame and fortune, willing to ladder, won the respect of students.