Cadastral Information System (CIS) is designed for the office automation of cadastral management. With the development of the market economics in China, cadastral management is facing many new problem
Geo-Spatial Data Transfer Standard is an important part of "National Spatial Data Infrastructure(NSDI)" ,as well as a necessary means for data sharing. "Chinese National Geo-Spatial Data Transfer Form
Data acquisition and modeling are the two important, difficult and costful aspects in a Cybercity project. 2D-GIS is mature and can manage a lot of spatial data. Thus 3D-GIS should make the best of da
This paper endeavours to put the discussion on errors and uncertainties in geographical information systems (GISs) in a more systematic way by examining the strength and weakness of discrete objects a
长青国家自然保护区有种子植物 146 科、730 属、1792 种。对保护区种子植物区系统计分析的结果表明:(1)保护区内种子植物种类丰富,有裸子植物 7 科、16 属、24 种;被子植物139 科、714 属、1768 种。(2)区系成分复杂,属的地理分布类型有 15 个及变型 19 个。其中温带分布占 65.2% ,热带分布占 30.3% ,温带分布占一定的优势,但同时表现出与热带亚热带成分
整个世界都在走向数字化,而且十分迅速。电话系统正在与网络融合起来。复印机、传真机和调制解调器也在变成依附于LAN的附属设备。而小型网络的安装和维护也越来越简单了。 尤为美好的是,当我们离开办公桌的时候,从未像现在这样可以如此容易地与世界保持着联系。一批新型的精密电话和寻呼机可以提取消息,转发呼叫甚至可以在Web上进行冲浪,而GPS设备可以轻松地引导我们穿过城市到达下一个约定地点或者一个从未到过的城
对地形不太熟悉?用于笔记本机的车载导航软件包能提供详细的街区图和高级的确定路线功能,配套的全球定位系统(GPS.Global PositioningSystem)接收机能显示你现在的位置、目的地位置以及你现在的前进方向。我