儒雅的魏德博士总是一副很开心的样子,无论我们提出怎样的问题,他总是微笑着回答,偶尔还会开两句玩笑,在他坚毅的眼神中投射着他对 MERCEDES-AMG 产品绝对的自信和对市场乐观的预期。问 AMG 上市之后,将通过怎样的销售渠道来进行销售?答 MERCEDES-AMG 作为梅赛德斯-奔驰的一部分,在中国上市之后,每位 MERCEDES-AMG 客户都能够在梅赛德斯-奔驰的授权销售服务中心选择他们想要的 AMG 车型,销售中心的每一位销售人员也都经过了严格的产品培训,对 AMG非常了解。此外,我们也选择性地挑选了一些经销商,针对
Elegant Dr. Weide always a very happy look, no matter what kind of problems we ask, he always smiled and answered, occasionally make two joke, in his resolute eyes projected his MERCEDES-AMG products Absolute confidence and optimistic expectations of the market. Asking MERCEDES-AMG As part of Mercedes-Benz, after MERCEDES-AMG is listed in China, every MERCEDES-AMG customer is able to sell on MERCEDES-BEN Authorized sales and service center to choose the AMG they want, every sales staff in the sales center also undergo a rigorous product training, understanding of the AMG. In addition, we also selectively selected a number of distributors, for