
来源 :中国现代教育装备 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:peng737
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当下,在中学理化生学科与小学科学学科的教学实施中,在黑板上做实验、背实验、试卷上考实验的-情况非常普遍,而到实验室中做实验,严格遵循学科规律、突显教学本质,放手学生动手实践,却是凤毛麟角。有识之士均异口同声地对中小学不做实验的现状口诛笔伐。许多省、市也采取了积极的措施。将实验列入中考、进入总分,开展高中学业水平测试实验加试等,但收效有限。为什么这种现状,多少年来一直得不到改善或正本清源呢?如何改革才能扭转 At present, in the middle school physics and chemistry students and primary science disciplines of teaching implementation, the experiment on the blackboard, back experiments, papers on the test - the situation is very common, and to do experiments in the laboratory, strictly abide by disciplinary rules, highlighting the teaching Essence, let go student practice, but it is rare. All people of insight are vocal opposition to the status quo of primary and secondary schools do not experiment. Many provinces and municipalities have also taken active measures. The experiment included in the test, into the total score, to carry out high school academic level test experiment plus test, but with limited success. Why has this situation not been improved for many years or has its original source of cleanliness rectified? How can reforms be reversed?
空位置    今天金小苹没有来上学  座位特别显眼地空着  金小苹从来不缺课  今天却突然没来  第三节上课铃响了  还是没有她的影子  昨天放学前她还有说有笑  不像有事的样子  空着的位置让我心神不宁  她几个要好的女伴  都不知道她为啥不来  我想班主任肯定知道  去问陈老师就不方便了  算了,我跟金小苹最多  只是她小组的一名组员  完全没有必要费心思  她不来上课跟我没有关系  没有关系