试验结果表明,在磷钾肥施用量相同情况下,适当增加氮肥施用量有利于免耕抛秧稻早生快发,早够苗,增加粒数和有效穗以及总颖花量,提高产量。每公顷施纯氮180.0~202.5 kg有利于免耕抛秧稻高产稳产。
The results showed that the proper application of nitrogen fertilizers in the same application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers was beneficial to the quick early emergence, early seedling emergence, seedling number increase, effective panicles and total spikelet yield of no-tillage throwing rice. Application of pure nitrogen per hectare 180.0 ~ 202.5 kg is conducive to no-tillage throwing rice high and stable yield.