
来源 :仲裁研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:donny0325
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2003年最高人民法院关于商品房买卖合同纠纷的司法解释规定了出卖人延迟办理房产证的违约责任。但由于立法者并不了解实务中延迟办证的原因,亦未注意到现行法中商品房转移登记的主体并非出卖人,且将延迟办理房产证的责任混淆于主合同义务不能履行的责任,导致对出卖人很不公平。本文分析了迟延办证的原因,对法院和仲裁机构在审理此类纠纷中公平确定责任提出了建议,对开发企业规避迟延办证法律风险提供了对策。 In 2003, the Supreme People’s Court judicial interpretation of the dispute over contracts for the sale of commercial houses stipulated the seller’s liability for the delay in handling the real estate license. However, since the legislators did not understand the reasons for delaying the issuance of certificates in practice and did not notice that the subject of registration of real estate transfer was not the seller, and the responsibility of delaying the issuance of the real estate license was confused with the liability that the master contract could not perform, People are not fair. This article analyzes the reasons for the delay in applying for a permit, puts forward suggestions on how to determine the responsibility of the court and the arbitration institution fairly in hearing such disputes, and provides a countermeasure for developing enterprises to avoid the legal risk of delay in obtaining the certificate.
中学作文教学的一大难题是学生不感兴趣。主要原因是教师对学生的情感激发不够。文章是思想的反映,更是作者自然情感和艺术情感充分结合的产物。作文过程是作者真情实感的艺术表现过程,写前激发学生情感,创设良好作文心境至关重要。如何启迪、激发学生的创作情感,应成为作文教学的一个研究内容。  心理学认为,情感是人们对客观现实是否符合自己需要而产生的态度、体验。不论什么人,在心态处于极端平静的时候,都写不出好文章