
来源 :法律文献信息与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aishangliuning
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本文阐述了高校图书馆在改革开放条件下以质量管理兴馆的理念,结合运用 ISO9000标准及国际通行的先进质量管理模式,对高校图书馆实施ISO9000标准质量管理体系的可行性进行了分析,对实施质量管理体系的程序及重点进行了探讨。 This paper expounds the concept of university library under the condition of reform and opening up and quality management, combining with the ISO9000 standard and international advanced quality management mode to analyze the feasibility of implementing the ISO9000 standard quality management system in university library. The implementation of quality management system procedures and focus were discussed.
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