作为国内惟一一所对来华留学生进行汉语和中华文化教育为主要任务的大学——北京语言文化大学,建校40年来,已经为世界上160多个国家和地区培养了5万多名懂汉语、通晓中华文化的留学生,他们既是中华文化的传播者,同时也是促进中外交流的友好使者。记者在采访中深切感受到,中文作为世界上人口最多国家的官方语言,已经越来越受到世界各国的重视,尤其是亚洲国家的青睐。 有资料显示。1997年来华留学的“老外”为43712人,2000年的数字为52150人,短短的几年间,外国留学生的人数增长了近1万人,而且留学生的人数以每年5%~10%的速度增长着。 “老外”争考“中国托福” 中国汉语水平考试(HSK)是为测试母语非汉语者的汉语水平而设立的国家级标准化考试,即所谓
As the only university in China that has the major task of conducting Chinese and Chinese culture education for foreign students in China, Beijing Language and Culture University has trained more than 50,000 people in more than 160 countries and regions over the past 40 years since its establishment. Chinese and foreign students who are proficient in Chinese culture. They are not only the disseminators of Chinese culture, but also the friendly messengers of promoting Sino-foreign exchange. The reporter deeply felt in the interview that as the official language of the world’s most populous country, Chinese have gained more and more attention from all countries in the world, especially from Asian countries. Data show. The number of foreigners studying in China in 1997 was 43,712, compared with 52,150 in 2000. In just a few years, the number of foreign students has increased by nearly 10,000 and the number of foreign students has increased by 5% to 10% annually Grow with. “Foreigners” compete for “China TOEFL” Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) is a national standardized test designed to test the Chinese proficiency of non-native speakers. The so-called "