Identifying, Evaluating and Preparing Talent for an International Assignment

来源 :China's Foreign Trade | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangtianyu66
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<正>Today,every global company is looking to develop in China. The majority experience difficulty in identifying managers who possess the capacities to develop business in China in a way that is profitable and durable. Chinese companies with internat
【正】 高宇同志《我国导演学的拓荒人汤显祖》一文(见《戏剧艺术》1979年第一期),对于人们认识汤显祖在戏剧领域内多方面的成就,对于纠正“多少年来一些戏曲理论家们造成一
<正>Susan Huang,a legend in the paper making industry at home and abroad. has built MCC Paper Yinhe to be a renowned brand by herself and her team,and the compa
【正】 法国演员别努阿——康斯坦&#183;哥格兰是“表现派”表演艺术的主要代表人物之一。在传统的认识中,他的理论被归结为表现角色外部形式的无动于衷的表演。然而,奇怪的
【正】 我院第一届内蒙民族话剧表演班《本科四年制》于今年九月十日正式开学上课。内蒙民族班共有学生三十人,他们来自内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔、海拉尔、巴彦淖尔等盟。很多学
The China Ocean Ship ping Company&#39;s(COSCO) wholly owned subsidiary, COSCO Holdings Ltd. passed the enquiry procedure by the Hong Kong Sock Exchange and will
【正】 (7)前倒做法:立正,两腿绷直,自然前倒,同时两臂屈肘,置于胸前,掌心向下,抬头收腹,以两掌及小臂着地,以防受伤。