韩国 仅用了30年,韩国由一个贫穷落后的农业国发展成为一个新兴工业国。过去,由于经济不发达,韩国有大量的科技人才流往国外。例如20世纪五六十年代,韩国向美国派遣了数万名留学生,但大都没有按时返回。自20世纪90年代,由于高技术产业迅速发展,经济腾飞,经济建设部门都迫切需要大批的科技人才和经营管理人才,于是韩国采取了多种有效措施,吸引上述人才回国服务。由于措施得力可行,使移居美国和其他国家的学者、工程师以及赴海外留学人员纷纷回国,形成一股回归大潮。
It took only 30 years for South Korea to develop from a poor and backward agricultural country to a newly industrialized country. In the past, due to the underdeveloped economy, a large number of South Korean scientists and technicians have been abroad. For example, in the 1950s and 1960s, South Korea dispatched tens of thousands of students to the United States, but mostly did not return on time. Since the 1990s, due to the rapid development of the high-tech industries and economic growth, the economic construction sector urgently needs a large number of scientific and technological personnel and management personnel. Therefore, South Korea has taken various effective measures to attract these talents to return to service. Thanks to the effective measures, scholars, engineers and overseas students who emigrated to the United States and other countries returned home one after another to form a return surge.