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湘江呜咽,衡山低垂。长空无泪,大地悲怀。“11·3”灭火抢险英雄群体傲然崛起。2003年11月3日,湖南省衡阳市一栋回字形结构综合商居楼发生了特大火灾。在衡阳市消防官兵奋勇扑救火灾时,大楼突然坍塌,正在进行灭火战斗的31名消防官兵、4名记者和1名保安来不及撤离被埋在废墟下,其中20名消防官兵壮烈牺牲。11月6日,公安部政治部批准在“11·3”特大火灾抢险救灾中英勇牺牲的20名同志为革命烈士。11月9日,中共中央政治局委员、书记处书记、国务委员、公安部部长周永康在参加为“11·3”特大火灾灭火抢险战斗中英勇牺牲的20名革命烈士举行的追悼大会上指出:“衡阳市消防支队全体参战官兵临危不惧、舍生忘死,表现出了压倒一切的英雄主义气概,用鲜血和生命忠实地践行了‘三个代表’重要思想,践行了立警为公、执法为民的诺言,谱写了一曲新时期人民公安为人民的壮丽凯歌!他们不愧为人民群众的守护神,不愧为共和国的忠诚卫士,不愧为坚强的共和国之盾!衡阳市消防支队20名烈士是全国170万公安民警努力做到人民公安为人民的集体体现,是公安战线涌现出来的众多先进典型的突出代表,是全国公安民警学习的楷模。”“‘11·3’灭火抢险英雄群体”是消防部队? Xiangjiang sob, Hengshan down. Tears, earth grief. “11.3” fire fighting heroic heroes proudly rise. November 3, 2003, Hengyang City, Hunan Province, a back-shaped structure of a comprehensive commercial residential building an extraordinarily large fire. When the fire brigade of Hengyang City volunteered to put out a fire, the building collapsed suddenly and 31 fire officers and soldiers, 4 journalists and a security guard who were under fire fighting were buried beneath the rubble. Among them, 20 fire officers and men died in a heroic sacrifice. On November 6, the 20 political comrades approved by the Ministry of Public Security for the heroic sacrifice in the “11 · 3” major fire disaster relief and rescue work were revolutionary martyrs. On November 9, Zhou Yongkang, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau, secretary of the Secretariat, state councilor and minister of public security, pointed out during the memorial meeting of 20 revolutionary martyrs who participated in the heroic sacrifice of the “11 · 3” “All the officers and soldiers of Hengyang City Fire Brigade were presently in danger and sacrificed their lives. They showed an overriding heroism, faithfully practicing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ with their blood and lives, Law enforcement for the people’s promise, compose a new era of people’s public security for the people of the magnificent triumph! They deserve to be the patron saint of the people, deserving to be the loyal defender of the Republic, worthy of a strong republic shield! Hengyang Fire Detachment 20 The martyrs are the collective representatives of 1.7 million policemen who work hard to make the people’s public security their people and are the outstanding representatives of numerous advanced models emerging from the front of the public security forces and the model of police study in the entire country. ”“ 11.3 ” "Firefighting force?
“贵姓? “免贵,姓范。 “府上哪里? “苏州。 “喔,作《岳阳楼记》的范文正公是阁下……” “远祖。” “失敬失敬。” 这样的攀谈随处可见。如果复姓诸葛,必称孔明后裔;若是偏巧
在转变发展方式、发展低碳经济的要求下,新能源的发展拥有着广阔的前景,而当下面临的瓶颈也促使越来越多的企业和研究人士把目光投向储能技术上,在北京刚闭幕的 In the tran