【摘 要】
Judging from the status quo, various laws and regulations related to fire supervision and the law are gradually being perfected. On the basis of this, laws and regulations are also formulated. However, from an overall point of view, the current legal system of fire protection does not reflect the overall guidance for fire supervision. The root cause lies in the unsound laws and regulations. In essence, there is an inherent correlation between fire supervision and construction of the legal system. We should conduct a comprehensive analysis on this issue and provide guarantee for fire supervision through sound laws and regulations.
We hypothesize a closed Universe belonging to the oscillatory class. More precisely, we postulate a Universe that evolves following a simple harmonic motion who
我们在研究东南沿海地震带的地震(M≥4 3/4)活动中曾指出,该带自1400年后地震活动存在300年左右的周期。在1700年至今的第二活动期内,地震发生随时间分布有什么特征呢?利用文献中的方法研究了本带从1749年2月28日广东云浮5级地震到1987年8月2日江西寻乌5.3级地震的时间分布,得到了一些有意义的结果。 设1749年广东云浮5级地震时间为t_1,后面该带内连续发生的地震时间依次为t_2
In the present paper, the theoretical frame work of magneto hydrodynamics (MHD) is used to give a solution of the problem about the origin, persistence and disa
The model in which expansion of the Universe leads to a generation of non-equilibrium vacuum-like electron-positron plasma is proposed and researched. The formu
<正> 一、概述葛洲坝电站的水轮机埋件、主要包括尾水管的锥管里衬、转轮室三环、固定导叶、座环上环和蜗壳上下衬板及机坑里衬等。葛洲坝电站两种型号(17万KW与12.5万KW)的