
来源 :警察实战训练研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sophia115416
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堵截勤务就是公安机关在犯罪嫌疑人或罪犯逃跑方向的前方所进行的设卡或设伏拦堵的一项警察勤务。堵截是公安机关加强社会治安,维护公共治安秩序,打击各种违法犯罪活动的一项有效措施;是公安机关加强社会点、线、面控制的重要一环,收效很大。堵截包括追缉和堵截两 Interdiction of service is the police service in the direction of the suspects or criminals to escape in the card set or ambush block a police service. Interdiction is an effective measure for the public security organs to step up public order and public order and safeguard order of the public security and fight against all kinds of illegal and criminal activities. It is an important part of the public security organs in stepping up control over social points, lines and planes and has great benefits. Interceptions include both arrests and interceptions
4 000 m~3以上大型高炉是高炉炼铁先进技术的集中体现,相对于容积小的高炉,大型高炉单位炉容投资少、能耗低、环境负荷低、劳动生产率高。2000年以来,随着钢铁需求的迅猛增加